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"is it possible or even healthy for me to loose 5to 8 pounds in 10 days? If so, how?"
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Man transformed something military into something culinary. Who was it and what is this eating innovation?
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who has the biggest boobs
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Does anyone know a good website where you can get concise information on current injuries, suspensions, and other team news for forthcoming matches. thanks
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Was anyone disappointed at the end of last night's episode?? How did Sal Meti's wife die? (I know she was in her car and was poisoned but how?? - I was out of the room for 2 minutes for that part as...
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Hi I'm on a yeast and sugar free diet.Anyone have recipes?
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i want to loose some weight whats the best diet to do any advice
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To fill a bunch of bellies, this good man transformed something military into something culinary. What is his name and what is the eating innovation???
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Back in the 1980s, the Orient Express was dealt an unlucky blow and derailed by a bluffing brat. Tell me who were the two key players and what the hell I am talking about?
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The Ponderer
we are told by scientitsta the universe was created by a big bang and the universe is constantly expanding as a result of this, but what thing banged in the first place, surely by the laws of nature...
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.......for this little website then? It has to be said the standard of your average question has fell through the floor on here and due to loads of the regular contributers being cheesed off and not...
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Will Brighton lanes and all the lovely little shops and things be open this Sunday?
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where can i find out the biggest council estate in europe is?
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If the bellhop at this fourtenn-room Beaver state resort tells you to go climb a tree, don't get insulted. It just means you've checked in. What's the name of this sky-high hideaway and where is it?
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Where is the centre of London
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What does the phrase "ome Is Where The Heart is" mean?
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what is a jar of lick?
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If one of the relay team failed a drug test, would all members of the team lose their medals..?
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Does anyone have the answer for numbers 70, 77 and 38 of the TV quiz that's going around?
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Which British man ran an athletics relay race with only one shoe?

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