Let's start a new game. It's called Guess the Moderator. It seems they are on here in numbers but don't have the balls to say who they are cos they get might get moaned at. So who do you think is a...
Having been directed to this site after googling a couple of questions, I thought I might as well sign up. Hopefully I can even provide some answers (doubt it though lol)
In one of my earlier posts I have just put "I tried it with a donkey earlier, but someone else had to do it for me". When I read it back, I thought that sounded very very wrong somehow......
looks like another so so day weather wise down here - how is everyone this morning? We had an absolutely brilliant day at the horse show yesterday, thoroughly enjoyed it, met up with lots and lots of...
Why do some people insist on using a million words to tell you a story when they just need to cut to the chase? For example, my mum is terrible for saying stuff like "last Wednesday I as in...
Aldi. Where that dour faced old woman sits behind a table with two packets of teabags - saying that her husband likes both of them. Then she very seriously states "I don't like tea. I like...
As a driver of 45 years and always driven manual gearbox cars my daughter has aquired an automatic citreon car which i am insured to drive my question is, is there a correct way to drive an automatic...
The first known transfusion of blood was performed as early as 1667, when Jean-Baptiste, transfused two pints of blood from a sheep to a young man. Baaaa, I can't see it myself.
Looking at bobbisox's profile to get a better view of her avatar, I notice that she has given 34627 answers since she joined AB in May 2009. This works out at 44 each day she has been a member. This...
whats your favourite sauce for steak? do you have any simple ideas for a nice sauce? or any for any other meat. I make a easy sauce with phili, mushrooms, onions and mustard that always goes down well...
A nice early one today. I hope all is well in the world with you. I expect Welshy is counting the day's when he can go back to work, I hope he brings me back a nice sheep. One more night shift for me...