I don't know enough about the case to make an informed judgement however, from past footage of her I feel there is definitely more to her than meets the eye. What are your thoughts on the trial and...
I am prone to night terrors. Within the last 6-8 months I have had a recurring night terror almost every night. At the climax of the night terror I always think that my husband is plotting to kill me...
I left school with only 1 GCSE and a GNVQ back in 1998. In 2009 I took the City and Guilds Adult Literacy and Numeracy level 2. Recently I completed a fast track A Level and achieved a B. I have been...
The scene when Susanna remembers her suicide attempt, when she is being treated in triage. The doctor looks at her wrists which are bruised and says 'this one's a wrist banger'. Please excuse my...
I had multiple stings from one wasp just above right knee on Saturday. It was sore for at least 12 hours following the stings. On Sunday and Monday I had an itchy red blotch but the pain ceased. This...
Is that the guy that was sung 'still believe' in The Lost Boys when Sam and Michael were at that concert and he first noticed Star? I guess that would make sense considering her video is 80's style.
I'm in the process of applying for a course grant. In the taxable income section I have nothing to declare but I'm unsure whether capital gains should be included in 'other income'. I thought that...
I am extremely worried since discovering that the NASA Administrator recently gave an emergency preparedness video to all staff at NASA. Also, why are all major governments building thousands of...
My 3 and a half year old has been toilet trained for about two months now but within the last two weeks he has been urinating on things. It only seems to happen when he is in his room. On two separate...
I know this should go elsewhere but this section is frequently used. What is the word for a group of institutions that collectively go by the same name? TIA
Has Britain ever experienced hyperinflation? I have heard many people compare our future economy to that of the Weimar Republic. Surely the hyperinflation that Germany experienced was as a direct...
This has to be one of the funniest sitcoms ever written. I am absolutely addicted to this show and have been since the pilot show was first broadcast over here. Sheldon's character is without doubt...
My husband and I have not been out alone since our son was born 3 years ago but we've finally decided to go out to the cinema together. I was very keen on watching Super 8 but now I'm curious about...
Is it true that you only start to burn fat after 30 minutes of rigorous exercise? My current twice weekly gym session consist of 30 minutes of cardio followed by light weights. Does this mean that my...
Global financial meltdown Countries on the verge of depression Anarchy Contagion of Revolutions and civil unrest Increased famine Increased earthquakes Increased floods Until very recently I was...
She appears to have a great deal of experience and seems knowledgeable about psychology. I'm just curious to know, does she have any qualifications in this field ie: a degree?
I am awaiting my A-Level results and a place at my first choice uni is reliant on achieving a specific grade. Another uni has given me an offer based on them receiving a reference but I don't have...
My son began attending pre-school in April when he had just turned three. Prior to this he had never been cared for by anyone but us so it was a huge step for the three of us, but one we thought was...
There have been numerous occasions when I look at the clock and it says 9:11, more than any other time. Obviously I know the significance of this as a date, and there is a possibility that...