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When i was young we had yahtzee which had a kind of bowl that you threw the dice in and on the side was space for the dice you wanted to keep each turn. can't find that now - does anyone know where to...
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Just forty minutes after PMQs ,Boris breaks his own rules of , Social Distancing By hosting a hurried meeting for fifty Tory MPs. in a room with a sign on the door saying only 29 people allowed at one...
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I have seen and heard people being lambasted for what they think is wrong or right like the refusal to believe the holocaust ever took place same sex relations are not normal mixed race relationships...
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ToraToraTora ....excited?...
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Endless bible quotes mean diddly squat.
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Who was the only singer to have a British chart hit with raining in my heart
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Many of you will already have seen these reviews... a warning for those that haven't :-)
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Can I recommend this to you all It’s fantastic - best thing I’ve seen in a long long time...
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It is pretty obvious why I'm posting this: I'm attempting, perhaps mistakenly, to draw at least some analogy between the debate then, when women were fighting for decades to gain access to what we now...
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Help wanted please Cryptic clues for pop groups no clues for how many words 1 These are swingers Poss The Monkies? 2 Strand Lads 3 Pieces and Flowers Poss Guns and Roses? Many thanks for any answers...
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Please please please god dont let it rain because I have spent almost the last 2 hours cleaning and polishing my beautiful black Jag. Black cars do matter....
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I'll start you off.. Sole Man Cod Only Knows Michael Roe The Boat Ashore...
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Absolutely disgusting behaviour on the beach yesterday!!! I was at Clacton on sea and saw a bloke and some lass having an almighty argument in front of loads of kids. Suddenly the woman smacked the...
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1963 and the Cuban missile crisis, it almost came to war. Kennedy stood his ground and the Russian ships returned home. War averted, and the USA saved face. Now Iran has sent five oil tankers to...
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Who had all the 6 films they appeared in nominated for Oscars for best film
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Can anyone help please ? Trying to think of a music video from the 70’s or 80’s. The group was two men and one woman based in a fabric factory and the woman made a dress from a roll of fabric for a...
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What can I do if I like someone and they like me a little bit but they are in a relationship?
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ToraToraTora so they can s1agg off the government? is it more important to be able to berate a Tory government than to actually find an answer? They said 18 months, we start...
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Name a country who competed at the 2018 Commonwealth Games. i)Kazakhstan 2)France 4)Greece...
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I have been asked to write a limerick but it must contain the first line... "There once was a feckless farmer"...

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