We knew things would come and bite us on the bum, there's talk of austerity?
who do you think will suffer the worst?
and where do you think the cuts will come?
Now we hear the Brown scum has offered a deal to the liberals that if they let him remain as prime minister he will start an immediate bill in parlient for a referendum to reform the voting system in...
Our local small(91 seat) Digital Cinema, in Hawkhurs,t is showing this film as part of a "nostalgia" season. I have looked at the trailer on YouTube,and read the plot,but wondered if anyone...
When observing the Space Staion when it is pitch black,we see a bright silver object hurtling through the sky. However,during the cominfg few days there are three possible sightings at 9.51 pm,9 31pm...
I just wondered if somebody could clear this up for me. My mum and I went to vote at 11.30am yesterday and were only handed 1 ballot paper for the local election. I mentioned this to my mum as we left...
I don't know why,maybe some of you helpful people will know,but when I use Internet Explorer as my browser,it shows any writing so tiny we can hardly read it.All my other browsers show stuff...
Just been watching a short documentry about WW2, in it was made the statement that the Wehrmacht forced Polish women to work in their brothels, I've never heard of this before, what's the evidence?
As requested a post from jan 06 A lesbian fancies other girls, a gay man other men, Hetrosexuals fancy opposite sex and Bi-sexuals go for both. But does anyone know of any people that just dont fancy...
Yes,I know it's all over bar the shouting,but this is till a valid question. You kno the voting registration card you get,and and can show tho the official who gives you your voting slip? Well, in all...