As a follow on from another thread.Ive decided to post this in the hope i get a few straight simple answeres to a few simple questions. What age are you? If yuo were looking for a new partner , though...
It looks like the Ed is as good as her word. She has deleted five of my emergency usernames, leaving me with three names that are not very popular on here. Should I contact her, or leave well alone?
Already asked this of the guys adn thought it only fair to ask the ladies too. You and a friend both fancy the same man but your friend seems to be a touch ahead of you in the competition for his...
i mean if i pose a question i get 34 or 86 answers and im not going to read them all ( just most ) cuz i aint got a life i guess just me wife children and grandchild are my life
Right,here is something really odd. Can anyone answer me this? I have just logged in to AB,and up popped this annoying bouncing looking squirrel on the bottom left of the screen. At least I think it's...
Is it only me or does any one else find posted Questions that entail a lot of scrolling down (a la leg-bore-ee-ooo or other imitators) seriously irritating ? Grrrrr... OK, I shall chill out now and...
Heres a question i heard asked on the radio today. You and a friend both fancy the same woman but your friend seems to be a touch ahead of you in the competition for her affections. How low would you...
When i was in the bar earlier i went for a peee as you do after a few lagers.As i passed the ladies a rather tall woman , with a bad hair bleaching came out of the ladies.The smell that followed her...