Hi All I put a question on here a couple of weeks ago regarding my 12 year old Scottie who has painfull joint quite a few of you recommended Glucosamine tablets so i thought id give them ago i bought...
It has often puzzled me why there are more people in the USA than in Britain, when we discovered them and have been going a lot longer than them? It can't be land mass because we have more people in...
is there a product you can buy in the uk which you can injec( or similar into a metal case that will fill it .going into all the nooks and crannies) that will then set into a very soft rubber
I am a bit perplexed rearding the news that unscrupulous real-eatate agents are selling plots of land on the Moon and there is a rush to buy them. Apparently John Travolta, yes, John Travolta, has...
Ive recently met this really nice guy, ony thing is his phone has been off for over a day now (since yesterday morning) and he texted me from his brothers phone once to say his battery is dying and he...
used some wood preservative ( low odour !) in the caravan but the smell is still very strong. Aired the van but to no avail - dont want to just mask the stink ! anyone know of a product that may help?...
its pancake day on tuesday, whats your favourite thing on pancakes? do you prefer savoury or sweet? on savoury pancakes i like either mushrooms or ones with mince, my sweet ones are treacle or...
Hi, does anybody happen to know what marks (percentage) needs to be attained in order to obtain a Grade A and also a Grade B in Scottish Highers? I have tried the SQA website but no luck so far!
right, well, seeing as only one kind and willing person has been bothered to answer my question in food&drink i shall ask it here instead has anybody any suggestions as to what i could eat with...