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I am left with 2 questions and 2 answers but don’t quite get them ( unless I’ve fallen into a trap? ) 24) Charlie he is to get money back . - Chimney ? I get CHI ( first letter of first 3 words but...
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Just revisiting this one.Q70 Has anyone got anything different to A Bugs life? probably is the answer but picture clue is not as good as others in that section.Can help with all others.
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One to finish :- 29) you can get your pills and potions here( 5 letters) Thanks in advance...
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The answer is an occupation - no number of letters given but as the answers seem to be in alphabetical order the word should start with an ‘E’ or an ‘F’ ( at the moment I have ‘stage director’ but...
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Can anyone help with 2 questions please. 40) £280 to buy ,but the Ritz would pay £1200 to rent 57) A city, district and river in Azerbaijan which shares its name with a person from the central Asian...
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Can anyone help with the pictures of the warning and information signs please Can’t show you them ,but have done my best to describe them ! 98) It’s circular pale green with a dark green and a white...
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I have finished the quiz .but the last few Answers were sort of “ fitted in “ with the questions I had left. My very last one is 78) sounds like you are lacking in treasures and my only answer left is...
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I have 2 pictures and 2 questions to get to finish . Can anyone help please? Picture no. 7 and picture no. 8 Q.28) Born in T.A. 2931 he is considered the greatest Man of his time ( 7,”7,4” Thought...
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Two needed to finish this one ,it’s been sitting for a while! .Rhyming words section 7) Acquire / Ignite (4/4) People who have job names section . 1) English politician (8/8) Many thanks...
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Does anyone have this passage with the hidden words? If so have you found a fish ? I’ve went through it with a tooth comb and still can’t find it!! Also wondering if I’ve missed another as I have the...
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Good morning! This is a last ditch attempt to put names to the pictures! I need help with numbers96,98,102,103,105,106,108,110,116,117 and 120. Someone said in my previous post that most of them were...
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I have 2 questions left to get an answer for:- Section called “ The Italian job “ 25) What do Giuseppe Verdi , Federico Fellini, Caravaggio , Marco Polo and Galileo have in common? ( I know they are...
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The answer to this question contains the letters SP or RI or NG . The answer is 4 words ( 5,2,3,4) and the first word begins with ‘I’ 9) A second great thing that has happened in addition to the first...
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Confused by a couple of these and going round in circles with numbers 10 and 27 as there does not seem to be much difference. 10) Amazed. (Astounded or Confounded?) 27) Overwhelm with amazement (...
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Have a few I’d like to run past you,- got answers but don’t know which fit best! 21) Have you heard the latest? ( only thing I can think of is Have I got news for you) 22) Will you accept the offer ?...
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Would like to check out a couple of my answers please as I’m a bit wary of the ones I’ve got! 12) Related to Roadrunner.(6). Cuckoo? 31) it is the most common garden bird (4). Wren? 50) Fenland runner...
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Answers are a district,village,town ,county or island that is part of the UK. Anyone got names for pictures number 3,5,8 and 9 ? Also struggling with :- 21) A past president of the Romany Union of...
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39 Was voodoo really practised here 5 letters 60 Where the Beatles got their kindling 6 letters Thank you for any replies Q...
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Answers are countries or island nations . 14) Oberstgruppenfuhrer born here? (7). ( I have Germany for another answer) 57) Did someone cut a piece out of their flag? (5). (Could this be Nepal? Or...

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