Why the unsatisfactory ending? Who was the man on the floor of the yacht? All the men were dead and there`s no way the mother could have dragged one on board.
Hi all I love this website but find that most people assume everyone lives in the UK. I just like to let everyone know us here aussie girls also use this fantastic website to share info or to just...
Does anyone have the above or know someone who has? It`s fairly common but also unknown to most doctors and usually mis-diagnosed as either: asthma, anaphylaxis or hysteria. It can be called VCD...
Lonnie says the site seems to be dying, so here's another question that might generate some interesting discussion. Since we already know the answer the religionists would give, this one is...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-108830 7/Helicopter-dramatic-near-miss-sinister-UFO-1 -500ft-Birmingham.html If UFO`s really do exist, have you any thoughts as to what their intentions here...
Helloooooooooooooooooo!! Just got back from Florida. It's very nice in Florida, but it's great to be home. It wasn't without problems. Mrs. Clarion lost her passport. What a pain! We turned the villa...
Oh Reggie, why did you go away? Does anyone else remember this ode to Reginald Bosanquet, the now-deceased, then usually-sloshed, ITN newsreader? He was rumoured to wear a toupee & nicknamed Reginald...