There was a young man from Nantucket Whose c0ck was so big he could suck it He said with a grin wiping 5punk from his chin If my nose was a *unt I could fuc* it ____________________________ The randy...
Humpty dumpty sat on a rock, Little bo peep was sucking his c--k but when he came, she started to weep Cos she could tell by the taste, He'd been shagging her sheep! Off to bed now, goodnight all .
if this has been touched on previously, you will have to excuse me. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON IN THAT TOWN !?!?!?! the pain that the familys of these kids have gone through must be almost unbearable....
If you dont know me im a "what a charmer u are f~cking freaks on this site " ( edited by myself btw ) But its ok because " no one cares m,ate its a website i will live if they ban me to be honest with...
It seems that legend generates a lot of interest on AB. If he posts too much then he gets abuse, if he stays away then the Q's are.......where is legend......seems to me that if it were not for legend...
That the lunatics have finally taken over the asylum then. They have quietened down a bit the past few days but can assure you it wont be long now. Whiffey is already starting to bait legend again...
How easy is it, could you do it ? For example, I have spelled the question after the fashion of a certain poster on here - does that mean I AM him/her ? If you wanted to hide the real you, how easy is...
Dear Ed, Please can we have a section for Steam Engines? I am fascinated by them and I expect several other people are as well. I also like diesels, especially Class 31s and Class 37s. Thank you. It...