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proverb demonstrating that big things have to start from small things (6,4,4,6,6,4)...
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I hava a 10 year old son that weighs 110ILB and he wants to lose weight. He does swimming 2-3 times a week and karate once a week. I also found "Slim in 6" which he dose 3-6 times a week....
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Sunday morning and it's blowing an 'ooligan! That's one disadvantage of living at the top of a hill. But the advantages far outweigh that! Have a happy day everyone....
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for tea tonight,what sauce can i make,must be fresh i am allowed milk and cream,am allowed white rice as well,i am starving so please give me a nice one
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i realise this is a difficult question, as everyone is different but bear with me. I've been dumped over and over again by the same man. First time was horrid, next time, a little less so etc etc. We...
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http://www.surveymonk.../s/foodboozeandstress its for my friend's degree coursework! all answers confidential! thanking you in anticipation! cath x...
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No not the CB clique... There are some regular threads on AB where the contributors only post in those threads e.g. here's one for the Listener crossword http://www.theanswerb.../Question1079301.html...
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Can anyone tell me what would be the English translation of 'clos luce', the place where Leonardo Da Vinci spent the last years of his life. Thanks....
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I have just found a response to a letter I wrote to BT when I was 16 after I lost 40 pence in a payphone. I had obviously complained to them and they sent me a phonecard to the value of, wait for it,...
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I am already a bit jaded by it all..we have had jingle bells in shops up here since early October...I do not think it should be allowed 'till December..any thoughts ?
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just had to do username password etc to get on....why?
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do you get an anaesthetic if you get them done at the same time
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B00, after our conversation about spiders, I didn't suck the last one I saw up the hoover - I ignored it and it disappeared. God knows where it went - but for me, that was really something. Brave or...
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Guess this is probably the best place for this. I don't think I've ever had a panic attack, until now I'm not even sure I believed they existed but I think I'm about to implode. I've not been doing...
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5) Do you wear anything underneath yours? 18)Attach a number 30)Cosy in the Crimea 63) Play loudly after mark Answers are all items of clothing or footwear-no number of letters given, but all are one...
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My mother's little cocker spaniel has a brain tumour and they are having him put to sleep tomorrow. I am gutted that I won't get the chance to say goodbye to him. :-(
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I'm thinking of Comet in particular but the question applies to shops in general - since a lot of shops have sales on for most of the year, are goods significantly cheaper in the New Year sales than...
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My sisters dog died 6 months ago and is still quite tearful about it. For xmas I would like to get her some little thing that might make life easier. She is a busy mum of 2 young kids and to be honest...
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I have often wondered what possesses them? Aside from the alcohol of course.
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is he really a huge nob like they are saying??? i think so...

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