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in a mo
Has anyone sang with a Karaoke machine ,then tried to sing with a real musical instrument and found that they were singing out of tune .One of the reasons is that on a Karaoke machine there is a...
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I am wondering about the etiquette of tips at christmas... Paerboy ? milkman ? bin men ?....quoa faire ?
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The local University Press has given me the all clear they are to publish my first book.
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I want to get it for my sister, and I know she likes Robbie, but I don't know if she would like the cd. I mean I found it for such a bargain that I would be foolish not to buy it, right? I saw it here...
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Just come back from the Fracture Clinic since having the accident. Cast came off.. and they had to pull stitches out that were stuck in one of the wounds so that was excruciating. Other wound had...
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When I copy from my V+ box to video tape ,copies OK but there is so sound . Anyone out there able to help me? Thanx...
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The wife & daughter want to put up the decorations, time to put on the vanishing cream
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We still don't know who the fourth fatality is. Any ideas?
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If indeed you do have any friends of that ilk. I have a friend who thinks homosexuality is wrong , he doesn't bang on and on about it. but has in the past made his stance very clear If he did , i...
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Jake the peg today !..DIDDLE DIDDLE DIDDLE DUM........
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anyone recall who did this a zillion years ago ? ..there once was a windmill in old amsterdam... I saw a mouse where ? there I declare.....going clip clippity clop on the stair right there....... I...
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Tuesday. A little bit of frost this morning. The downward slope to snow by the end of the week ;-{ Have a happy day everyone ;-}...
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what are you having for lunch? i'm having a box of mingles :-) (and i still haven;t got out of bed)...
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Having just read Murray's question on the Windmill in Amsterdam, I am now wondering round the house singing "I saw a mouse there, there on the stair, there on the stair right there, a little...
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I had to have all the water drained from the house so that work could be done replacing a valve downstairs which is part of the heating system. Everything is fine but the radiator in the upstairs...
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dizzy spells to the point of falling over, cannot keep my balance, particularly bad in morning, have had them now 3 days, but had them 6 mths ago and around 3-4 months before that , they seem to come...
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Inviting the Chilean miners to Old Trafford, bless em.
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It's Monday and another week begins. Only 8 days to the shortest day. No sooner will get up and it will be time to go to bed again! :-} Have a happy day everyone....
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anotheoldgit I once knew a time when I along with others could walk down our streets wearing our uniforms with pride. Typical of how thick these thugs were, they didn't know the...
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Taking away the fact the the kid is orrible, Did he actually commit any offence by climbing up the cenotaph ?. Just wondering because there's a lot of people asking why he hasn't been arrested....

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