I'm at the city hospital in birmingham and stood outside, admittedly in the sunshine, there are people in pyjamas, pushing drip trolleys, smoking. I don't get it - if you're ill enough for a drip...
http://www.dailymail....r-Prince-Charles.html So what's the best way to fund the royal family - civil list or crown estate profits? Or is there a better way of funding the royal households - like...
I have a basic physics problem at work, but since it's 30 years since I did any of this stuff, I'm struggling. Need to tow a 46000kg truck up a 6% gradient & work out power required in watts....
In the wake of yesterday's incident at a level crossing in Suffolk, questions have been asked about the safety of road - rail user interfaces. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11009227 The Law Commission...
Catalunya votes to abolish bullfighting by 2012. Driven by a desire to end cruelty, they say. A political move to thumb their noses at the rest of Spain, say their critics....
I have received what I hope is a series of photos from a friend, he's bundled them in a zip folder. The folder is 12Mb (file properties says so), yet when I look in the folder there's nothing there...
http://news.bbc.co.uk...nd/london/8537534.stm At the Royal Courts of Justice, Hugo Keith QC used the word "Apparent" when describing the 7/7 attackers. Following complaints by the families...
I see answers to threads in the "latest post" box and the threads get removed before I can read them!
Has Mr Ed's zapping finger got a hair trigger or what?...
During one of the Big Brother evictions some weeks ago, an instrumental mix of "when love takes over" was used. Does anyone know if such a mix is commercially available?
Is the music featured in the recent ad for ITV3 Drama just a short specially recorded jingle, or an excerpt from a real titled piece - if so, does anyone know what it is?