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can anyone think of any other jobs i can do on the side?
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Sometimes a sinister cackle comes out of my speaker when I am on the computer. It is really creepy. Anyone know how I can get rid of it? It spooks me.
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or do! this is weird.........
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Fake Book Tiltles, Authors Etc Back Pain by Arthur Itis Rosemarys Baby by Fred West Hard Times By Gordon Brown Gone with the Wind by A.F..Arter...
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sherminator Why are people so retarded? Why is using the word allah or mohammed such a crime? And if it IS such a crime surely Allan would turn them all to pigs or...
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My cat Boots is 16 yo and has recently started to miaow very loudly all the time. He is very vocal every time he comes in and also during the night, he even sits staring at me miaowing for no reason...
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Padiham Rd Burnley Lancs, Nr the Club, Residents cannot get up to their houses because the Council have not gritted, the road is Iced up & dangerous, residents are parking on the main road as...
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could some one please tell me what this song is please
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My granddaughter came out of her classroom this afternoon and almost collapsed. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she had to be caught before she fell down. We took her straight to the doctors and...
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Numerous "fairminded" individuals on here frequently lambast any Daily Mail article used as a link, regardless of the subject or substance. Personally, I don't care about the source for any...
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Me and my sister spent all day buliding an igloo outside her house, it was really good, we hadnt finished it yet but even so, it was gettin there, some TW@T's from around the village have come and...
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... what design, picture or words would you have? Moi? I'd have a tattoo of Audrey Tatou..... just to see if anyone got the joke. (It'd look a bit stupid & people would think I was a lesbian...
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In England we have chinese takeaways and Indians, does anyone know if in these countries whether they have an English or a British and if so what type of food do they do?
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I may have been exposed to radiation at work. If it causes like tumours how soon is it likely to be?
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dose any boby no how to put free ring tones on lg renoir
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I am fascinated when a new culture comes here with all its acoutrements. My local 'one stop' has quite a few: Strong, Tyskie, Tatra, Specjal, Zubr, Zyweics (pronounced sh-vee-ets apparently). My...
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Where is the most exotic place you have languished or would like to languish? My favourite two, during my years in the M.N., are Bondi Beach in Sydney, and Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro !.....
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It seems to me that there is a loose consensus of opinion that many muslims do not like, love or support Britain or British values. It appears we have an enemy within, a fifth column almost, these...
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