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Some, not all of you, reveal your christian names on here. What is yours (if you've a want to say), do you think it suits your personality, and if you had to change your christian name to one of your...
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For the last couple of weeks it has taken a full minute to get into google or internet explorer & outlook express. This is from just after turning on my computer in the morning. During the day, if...
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A good night? I hope you have :-)
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and asked where I got my shoes from? She said they/or I look great! How flattering! Little things brighten the day!
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You have a son who you detest and he can't stand you either. He paid $ 18,000,000 to avoid being called what everyone knew he was??a pedophile. He hung a baby out to dry from a hotel balcony. He has...
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Why is there not a facility to delete or even star out the masked F word? I'm fully aware that there's many folk who will be able to get round it, and you can't possibly delete them all but surely the...
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good afternoon, how are you?
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Whats at the root of it ? I think it started on fcakbook. I could be wrong. For once. But i doubt it .
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How's your son doing in Auckland? Tell me how well I'm looking out for him while he's in MWB land! Lol.
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She called me "orrid" and a "nasty piece of work"
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fcuking ridiculous!
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For the last couple of weeks it has taken a full minute to get into google or internet explorer & outlook express. This is from just after turning on my computer in the morning. During the day, if...
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Well is that true? Im wondering snaggy lol
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Well whos gonna be first to reply here?
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Don't you just know that some of these very aloof users on here are actually audience members from the Jeremy kyle show? Living in bare floored houses with bedsheets as curtains whilst swigging tescos...
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Why am i the center of the universe thats known as ANSWERBANK? Well youre here AGAIN so if not the center of your universe its certainly a major part of your life. Oh yes it is . Lol. ??? DID THAT...
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Why does it take ages to call up a topic on Answerbank and what needs to be done to improve the situation?
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Not sure if this is the right place but we have a blackbird who has taken a fancy to our garden, we think he has returned from last year and is nesting in one of our trees, he is very vocal and sings...
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Hi Everyone, thanks for all your best wishes regarding the birth of our baby son, who still has no name. To summarise, the Labour was traumatic, 30 hours and they would only give me Entinox (Gas &...
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Are there any heart problems/disease, that warrant having to have a special diet? That is, must any foods be banned from your diet, IE: gluten free, or no eggs, or dairy, or potatoes, etc. Apart from...

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