i am looking in to have a breast enlargement... not many websites actually tell you the price! I am not opposed to having them done abroad....anyone had any experience of this - know someone who has...
Floella mentioned something about having a coil fitted which stopped her periods. I don't have a family (but planning to in the future), not concentration n a BF till after uni! Does this hurt? I've...
Back in October I asked if any of you could help me with the name of a mystery diet I had come across on the TV. You gave me the name of the LighterLife programme, and that's where my life changed! I...
this is a bit minging...have you ever worn a top and got really got and a bit sweaty...and then when you wear it again you can smell a funny smell and there is a faint deodrant mark left? Peopl say...
What physical signs have you noticed about yourself that indicates the advancing years? And no! you are not too young to answer this question!! please also include your age!!
My 8 week old has a terribly blocked nose and it's causing sleepless nights (for both of us). Anyone got any natural remedies or suggestions we could try to clear her nose?
In our house, my nail scissors are always going missing from my make up bag, not always replaced until reminded about! My magnifying mirror is also used. How about you?
We used to hear a lot about the holes in the ozone layer, but now it is all about carbon footprints. They stopped manufacturing CFCs and filled our aerosols with flammable gases instead. Did the holes...
I have long hair and use Pantene smooth and sleek. The day I wash my hair it is fine but the day after it becomes very greasy. I can get away without washing it on that second day but will definately...
Pardon my ignorance but I have an envelope size 18 x 12.5 cm and would like to know what size this represents? Its bigger than A4 so what size is that?
I will be in this (and the surrounding) area for the last 2 weeks in May. Can anyone recommend any 'must see' things/places or anywhere unusual to stay/visit. I would particularly be interested in...
Hi, recently went to the Pam Ann show, great stage performance, during the act she puts on a pair of these fake glasses that make her look chinese, would love to buy a pair, have googled and checked...
im almost 2 months and i feel sick mornings and evenings occasionally in the afternoon. its unbearable. just wondering if i should tell my employers about it now and if i will be paid sick pay if im...