Things to do in the supermarket while the other half is shopping... 1. Grab 16 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in peoples trolly's when theyre not looking, 2. While handling large knives in the...
when all the birds are singing in the snow,Now that the spring is in the air.Pretty girls are everywhere.When you see them I'll be there. Just off for a season, see you all in a month.
Dear Ed, regarding my recent request for compensation, I'm babysitting today and have just burned my dinner to a crisp, cause I forgot...
I find accents really attractive. My hubbys Sunderland accent is sexy. I also like Scottish accents and any foreign accent, French, Italian, turkish - so sexy. Is it just me or do others like a nice...
Is it possible to wear them inside out? My optician said so, but I thought she was winding me up. I've worn them 3 years, and they flip over all the time - you can't even tell!
I had a really weird dream the other night. I forget most of the details but one thing that sticks in my mind is that there was an elephant in it. Naturally, this elephant had aquired the name...
One of my favourite books is called "And to my nephew Albert, I leave the Island what I won off Fatty Hagan in a poker game.." Has anyone read it? It's very funny. Does anyone else know any other...
(if you don't know who your pair is check the list below) We will now be having a fire drill. I have realised that we haven't had one and this is terrible health and safety. I have been appointed fire...
I'm back at work on the 7th to a rearguard, hopeless fight against the Royal Mail/Government intent on running down & ruining the postal service so it can be 'sold off'. All you good people can...