10acc Animal that's swallowed completely raw [6] ?C?S?? 8dn Which dogs walk on and stop being picked up [4]???? 5acc When to hold court, leading horses arooung[4,2] ?C?S ?? Acts up?? Thanks for your...
11acc Divert attention from London-bound coach? [7] U?????E
12acc Greek victor going inside roasts nuts [7] S?A?R?S
3dn Article cheers European character[5] T?A??
Thank you for your help...
8dn soldiers packing guns, they are dangerous [6] G?T??? 16 dn reportedly favour marine creature - or another [4,4] ?R?? ???L 19d Record verse penned by young prince [7] A?????E 13 acc Reel engaging...
1acc Supporting charges in attack [8] ????A?D? !dn Coat men put over head to endure storm [6] ??R??? 27acc Explain hint of sedition in Tory faithful [8] ?O?????? 17 dn Upset doctor kidnaps posh...
1accThe setter is no longer coo, coming to a standstill [7] ????S?? 1dn One man, not the Messiah embracing Eat European [7] ??E???N 2dn Piano not in time upset sweetheart [5] ??T?? Many thanks for...
24acc Part of the service treated acute pain primarily [6] T?A??? 22dn It's right that fool contains fruit [5] D???E 19dn Driver's warning shot makes you surrender [6] ?O?E?O Thank you for your help...
13 dn Feature of Saturday Night Fever, - the Clash? That's not right [5,5] ?I???, D?N?E [Dance] 17acc Very important reading matter for children engrosses son[6] ??S?I? Thank you in anticipation of...
5dn usual meeting place not quite enough for social climber [7] D?R???? 14acc Hand over all evidence of monarch leaving throne? [5,5] ?O?A? , F???H 10acc Well, I'm struggling with a lot - it's as bad...
1cc Have relations gone over a round hill? [4] ?N??
3dn Fish served up on a platter is a bit off [7] ?I???A?S
25acc Make ready, as con leaving back of jail[4] E?R?
Thanks for your help...
12acc Finally document found in folder cardinal sorted [8] ?I???R?? 8dn More blue markings at the bottom on reptile [6] ?A???R 6dn Middle one of thirteen [5] H?A?? [Heart???} Thanks for your help....