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On American sites, we get a lot of questions about hickory bark and beans and yee-ha ho-downs and everybody is polite and men doff their caps to ladies. On here it just seems like everybody is rude to...
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I'm 17 years older than my wife, age has never been an issue for us although it was for her parents but they are ok now. What age diffrence would other ABers find unacceptable? TIA
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Hi, I recently decided to go from brown to black hair. I used a Garnier dye. I hate it though and I want to know if there is any way I can get rid of it without having to pay out for a hairdresser and...
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I'm aware I'm probably opening a can of worms with this post, but still... There's an article in a magazine i read today about a mother who lets her 7 year old Daughter learn pole dancing. In the town...
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Hi Every1, Am about to tell my 11 year old daughter this week that her dad is not her real Dad am dreading it. Just don't know where to start. He's been there since she was 1, am scared incase she...
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i need some help.. i really like this certain guy and he has asked me out on many occasions but i keep putting it off.. i hate to, but i get soo nervous and pull out.. i wanna get rid of this feeling...
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when you get told you look like your mum or dad sister nan who ever do you mind ?my bf said to me to day in tesco you look just like your mother i got right cross. lol how do you feel if it gets said...
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I was doing my weekly food shop in Marks&Spencer and there was a really good song playing in the store.I want to download the song to my i pod but don't know the title.I can't remember the words but I...
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i was on train yesterday and was glancing at the newspaper some lady was reading (yes i know how irratating that can be...! ) But i am sure it said that Gerry had stated he was not gay but saidit so...
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Sonic Bird
I hope that somebody is able to give me some advice about what I do next. It's a really personal problem but fairly common I think. My ex-boyfriend told me that I have piles. I was really embarrassed...
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How's everyones body + soul?
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Answer honestly! Do you enjoy your job? Do you think you are paid enough for what you do? What would you change about your job? Mine is Yes No I wish I was busier and had more responsibilties..... or...
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My video on myspace is on top plays for all three categorys and was the 10th most played video in sport(check the myspace website if you don't believe me).And I have the stress of exam results over...
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the proper term for this symbol, &, please
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I want to but a gorgeous dress i've seen but it's very low cut and as i'm a bit on the flat chested side i won't feel comfortable wearing it without a bit of padding. Can anyone recommend anything to...
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I think I may have a shoe addiction. Last month alone I bought 4 pairs (1 trainers that I haven't even used!, 2 pairs flat pumps, 1 pair of funky orange cone-heeled stilettos). Do you think I need to...
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I have decided to tell me friend that I saw her partner cheating. I am not going to say it was me, I am going to say he was cheating with someone else. I think she will leave him. Would you?
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I did amazingly well at a level and got into Liverpool. I'm so happy so happy so happy wahay wahay wahay. I needed straight a's which I didn't get but I still got in.It's amazing wahay. Well done to...
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Are there any dating sites that are free I have tried some sites and fund them no good so dose any one no of any free dating sites and ones that arnt' dangerus?

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