My niece has started a relationship with an older man. In fact hes actually older than me. Now he treats her well and seems a good sort. But her father , my brother , is quite worried by the situation...
Is it true that consultants won't carry out the procedure until the patient is at least 35? I've heard that if you want it below that age, you have to pay privately.
Does any one else feel absolutely ridiculous whilst having sex? I find the whole thing so daft sometimes it puts me off and i mess things up cuz i get weird.. I much prefer the anticipation and stuff...
just introduced her team as her dad he husband and her two friends and the way they all met up was at the village hall quiz night, the welsh can be very confusing, surely she knew at least her Dad...
i have huge afro/curly hair...i like the bottom...but the roots always go soooo frizzy! i have tried frizz ease, john freda, john wothington and numerous other frizz treatments but they always go...
i neeeeeeeed to stop my period before it starts (around 11th/12th) i am on the pill BUT i do have the pill here that i used to use... if i start taking it now will it stop it? Or will it bring it on...
the special k diet? (cereal diet in general really...!) Has it worked? DId you keep the weight off if you lost weight? Beofre i go and fill my shopping trolley with boxes of the stuff....! Thanks :)...
My face has a really uneven complexion. My cheeks are red and blotchy and I don't feel good without makeup. In summer though, I want to wear lighter makeup to get a tan, does anyone know of any...
I've been clearing my kitchen cupboards out and I've found a box of green tea with a Use By date of 2005. Has anyone found anything older than that in their cupboard?
Can you definately get pregnant from frozen sperm?? Does it depend on how long its frozen for? Are there risks of babies being ill from doing it this way?
I have woken up today covered in a rash! It is like small red spots, some with a whiteheard in them. It is all around my nipples, by stomach, back and hips. and a few on my arms, they dont itch but...
Hi - Can someone please give me a simple answer?! Have been looking on embassy sites/google etc and am finding conflicting information! I am in the UK and am going to go to Korea to work as a teacher....
Everyone is hiding in this room!!! ;) Can someone please give me an example of and breifly explain the difference? My head is a little fried and I am getting confused looking on t'tinternet!! Thank...
can someone please tell me, what happened with cindys little girl? All i know that darren found her and then she was missing again and darren found her??? and also the whole dean and this new...
HI - not really sure which thread to post this under! I am trying to find a correct translation for "This too shall pass" into Italian, have tried a number of these translation websites...
Someone has put ALL of my details on numerous vile sex webistes. The only thing i have is the email account of who said it up which they have created for me. Is there anyway I can trace the IP address...