Hi All, Do you think there are differences between the North and South then? If you do think there are differences, what do you like about those differences? Does anyone take the stereotypes that we...
I thought you Fellow Abers might enjoy doing this personality test on the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/su rveys/whatamilike/index.shtml Apparently I'm a Strategist
if you could spend 1 hour today in a totally different place. where would you spend that hour and what would you do? anything goes. keep it clean though ; -)
I have been diagnosed with periodontal disease and after paying over ?800 for deep root scaling am now told I need gum surgery to reduce the 'pockets' round my teeth.! I have been quoted nearly ?2,000...
İ suspect İ am pregnant, but will find out for definate in the next few days. However, İ have been in contact with a lady who has Shingles. İ have already had Chicken Pox, but am...
How long has Erith been in East London? http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-200644008 3,00.htmlthat in the news recently Croydon is no longer in Surrey but is now South London and Sidcup is no longer...
It is reported today that a woman who sunbathed nude in her garden was arrested and then,brought before a Magistrate. Her neighbour said the woman was 'Ruining her life'. The magistrates found her Not...