if you could grade your grumpyness or otherwise what would you give yourself? i would be an A +, also is it better to be a meldrew and have that nice sense of realism about life or is it better to...
a British (English) soldier goes to Canada, falls in love. gets married to a Canadian woman. has children with this woman. lives in Germany with his family at British barracks moves back to England...
this evening he was doing sums with some number blocks, he is 8 and has autism and is a bit of a number obsessive, I dont mind helping him find numbers but when I read the sum it was 987 x 987 =...
Not a question,this is for Zorro. To determine if a person has this condition he/she needs to be assessed by a physcologist over a 6 week period following a referral from a gp or school if the person...
Its like a ghost town in here today,how dare you all go off and have lives when I need entertaining!!! lol. My fiance has gone to fetch his son from Uni in Wales for the Easter break and i'm bored.
Anfield is it the new beirut? A woman cycling thru anfield area of liverpool stabbed to death by 2 women who drove up in a car . http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/ 7297971.stm Police still...
I am a very anxious man of 20. I am finding it hard to cope with people around me (especially my mum who I row with constantly). I have ADD and Aspergers disorder and I know many people would feel the...
Hi I am Trying to compell a list of all the 80's memorys. Can any of you help!!! What do you remember from 1980-1989, can be anything from tv, to cars to food. Any help would be greatly received!
OK,,, what albums do you find absolutely necessary, totally fundamental and have just got to have ? The sort of music that you know everyone around you would love to listen to, from your great aunt...