Remove hall blind to reveal a picture depicting Holland's Eiffel towers (8,4,3) I don't want the answer, but could soeone please tell me if this is a painting - even of a building perhaps. If not a...
Help needed please. 2d David winner of a Living Icon award presented by the BBC TV programme The Culture Show in 2006. I have got -t-e-b-r-u-h. Many thanks in advance.
puritans involving the chiefs in periods of fighting(10) having no fear of one getting printed wrongly(8) establishments that provide a fine meal(front t????) 5-5 one whose performances are on a...
3d is still effective when one detains the innocent 5,4?????/??OG 31a having checked in,rush around ?E?N?D 23a went off in good order again 8 starts with r 24d being inclined to remove the beginning...
12a=In Mathematics, a_number canbe expresssed as a ratio of two integers(8) R?E??N?L. 33a=A believer in freedom of thought, expression etc (11) L?B?R?????N. 29d=Harsh, bitter or astringent (7)...
Slept on these hoping the grey cells would solve them overnight but still stuck. All I can think of for 6d 'where people eat in the recess' -i-e---, is dinette, but why? and I have nothing for 14a...
sorry me again I have the answer aflame for 21d (6) - dad goes up to see doctor with self-possession - I now think it may be aplomb can anyone confirm either way? Many thanks