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newsdesk thank u for ur comment ,very kindx
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the polish guy says " we no pay we polish " the tv license men went in anyways , is this true?????? it bloody well better not be
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AB Asks
Recent weeks has seen the start of the Christmas drink driving warning adverts on tv. The fact that new adverts have been created suggests that the message hasn't yet got through to people. Does more...
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and was wondering where the village vicar has got to, , is he still around??
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Bit weird this. I usually play footy on a Friday evening but this week I've arranged to go on a residential course to learn about cob building. Ordinarily this would be great but this week one of the...
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Nobody has answered my question in R&D. Come on chaps and ladies, mostly ladies though otherwise I'd have posted in football! Cheers!
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I have to pick up 30 6 foot by 3 foot paster board boards and all I have that will do is a Corsa with a roofrack. Is this insane or should it be ok if I secure them enough? Cheers
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Hi. Lately I've really gone off sex. I love my fiance and we have a great relationship but lately I can never seem to get in the mood. I even end up making excuses. Any advice welcome? x
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can anyone think of any good, funny ways of saying a clinical term for a man who thinks he is a vegetable, i,e, a cauliflower thanks
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Banana Boat
Im pretty sure i may have asked this before, but i want more advise! why am i still single? i mean,. I'm 24, Female, im a nice person, trustwothy (a bit too trustworthy), loyal, id do anything for my...
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This morning on my daily commute to college, I had found out that the fare had gone up over the weekend. Because i only had the amount that i had used before, the bus driver was patronising me into...
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Who I am?
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On a placement in my old C of E School, I overheard a conversation (I was in the staffroom - they knew I was there!!) between a Science teacher and an assistant - the teacher basically saying the...
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"The vicarage of a woman priest who has been subjected to a hate campaign has been attacked by an arsonist. Police said the letters were of a "threatening" nature and "expressed anger at Rev Hobson...

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