and realised what is causing the pains across my back, whilst my bloke and i were walking home at 1am on Tuesday, (well wednesday really) I fell into the road on my back!!!!!!!! So it's not flu or...
can anyone suggest a suitable gift for this anniversary? my sister and brother in law are due to celebrate soon and we are struggling to find a suitable gift. we are leaning towards a rose or some...
So what would happen if i murdered my completely git to his family and highly offensive neighbour? Would I get a medal? A commendation? I'd settle for free Sky TV for a week!
Am I alone in thinking it's wrong to find him witty, entertaining, lovely, smart, and even handsome (and other adjectives along the same vein). Shouldn't he be a spotty, speccy and annoying oik, just... Can someone who uses Firefox go to the above page and tell me if some of the text goes over to the right of the page, overlapping some other text on...
A guy sits down in a Cafe' and asks for the hot chile.The waitress says, "The guy next to you got the last bowl."He looks over and sees that the guy's finished his meal, but the chili bowl is still...
For 5 and 6 year old boys. Personalised with name. Any ideas where I can find them cheap(ish). I'm on a budget and need 2. Norfolk area or internet please. Also, about how much am I looking to spend?