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What kind of a fool was Othello to believe all that ********, it so undermines the traditional role of the hero.  I think Iago should have been funnier and had a little of the Jasper Carrott in...
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For a while at work now we've had some fun with really tenuous links we have to famous people e.g Sid Vicious Spat on me, or Pete Beale from Eastenders asked me for directions, Frankie Vali stood...
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I have a 5 year old boy who is sacared of all animals including kittens and things. He starts having a panic attack if one comes near him. I'm thinking of taking him to a child psychologist but has...
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not sure what category this goes under, but i thought parents might have a view on it that will help me... i recently found out that the local school has installed CCTV cameras in their toilets and...
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We have just had a bathroom refurbishment by our housing association My problem is that the rubber shampoo spray wont fit the square taps does anyone know where I can get one that will fit?Many thanks...
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I had a blood test today, they said if it is still bleeding at 11pm, I should see a doctor.  Is this normal?
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hi- can anyone help me?? I have recently put on quite a bit of weight around my thighs and bottom but it is starting to make me really unhappy. I am a reasonably healthy person and dance twice a...
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Ok, so I am planning on wearing a pair of brown leather boots tonight (with a knee-length tan cuorderoy skirt and white button-down top). My sis calls them 'hooker boots', but I love them. Opinions???
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How about the Extra Addon Of Smileys When you post a question? If For example, If you are confuzed and asking the meaning of something, you could choose from the selection of 15-20 smileys and select...
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Good Morning, from across the Big Blue! To those of you who have expressed your concern and sympathy for those here in the US affected by I'm asking you to please help us.... Visit The...
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Yes folks it is upon us again, the usual scramble for tickets and rushing to get the back seat, Boo and the>one were first last year.  The information is on the notice board with...
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When an insect is caught in a spider's web does that mean than any old spider can enjoy a meal or do they all respect each other's homes and only eat what they've caught in their own web?
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Nodded off for a few seconds and missed what Izzy s problem was.  Can you fill me in ? Thanks.
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Well I finally told my ex to go f-himself.... feeling good tonight :-) Yay for me!
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If they had cut the body up, shipped it to Coronation Street and sauteed and added to Bettys hotpot, nobody would ever have found out.  Or am I getting mixed up with Messiah.  BTW the wasp...
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One hour to go .... YAY! I'm gonna hang out the Do Not Disturb sign right now!!
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mums pleased with the new lingerie i bought her....thanks for the advice....had a grand afternoon....but still looking for a girlfriend/housekeeper
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Is that the best they could come up with for Sharon?!!!!!

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