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There is a word for a word that is spelt the same backwards as forwards (eg MADAM). What is the word, please? It's driving me mad trying to think of it. Anyone know? PS: Posted in the wrong category?...
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why has the computer ended the vocabulary with nyself and my wife we hardly speak when using this thing
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wow dale smashed the matchstick what a prat my 5 year old would have snapped it
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What can NOT be effectively re-cycled nowadays?
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hi, please can you help me here. i have a 4 plug extension lead (5amp fuse in it) plugged into another 4 plug extension lead and use them for my portable tv, bed side lamp, fan, dvd, laptop and...
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come on people there must be a place where we can be sensible ive only recently found this site so please let it be sensible i havent yet witnessed anything rude or offensive but i have been given...
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This is my weekly drinking; Sunday - None Monday - None Tuesday - None Wednesday - None Thursday - None Friday - None Saturday - a few pints late afternoon/early evening, followed by at least one...
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which leghend name should i use? only allowed a name with the word legend in it up to 12 letters. so any ideas? all welcome including the obvious sarcastic ones that im inviting by posting this. and...
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I was in the Post Office today and in front of me was an oldish quite overweight woman who smelt absolutely disgusting! It wasn't just a bit whiffy I mean really rotten stale horrible smell to the...
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me and kev
today at 7:35 am my little brother was born... his name is Timothy David.... i was wondering what a good nickname would be. my dad is David and my uncle is Timothy so i need something good not: tim or...
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Do you think its possible to come on here and just have a laugh without needing to demean folk , look down on them , judge them , question their naytionality , theyre home , their family , their...
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lung cancer
i only have 5 months to live, havent had a woman in 8 years. Im 32. Whats the point in living?
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lung cancer
have you seen your house burn down with your child screaming banging on the window trying to get out and bieng held by the fire brigade so you cant save her? And you think im a joke? Have you ever had...
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Right, that's it ... Low riser, bum crack jeans Tittytop ... I'm off to give Brighton a damn good thrashing. Until tomorrow guys ......... x
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The most inspirational words I know, by which I hope one day to live. Desiderata Go placidly amidst the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence As far as possible without...
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i scored a record 96% in an it aptitude could i put this to good use?
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Now what does that mean to you apart from billy the dog of course.
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nice again innit?
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But worth checking out. Click on 'images' and see people in their rawest state

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