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There have been 20 captains of England Rugby Union Team since it went professional, who are they? I have Wakefield, Beaumont, Carling, Johnson, Pullin, Moody, Borthwick and Tindall. and which Aviva...
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1. What was significant about the time and date last year of a specific date in September and what was the time and date? 2. If P has one more than D, A has one more than P and F has one more than A,...
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1. 7 a S F 2. E i 7 i L t t B T Any suggestions gratefully received, thank you...
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Which artist included a dog in many of his paintings? thank you.
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I have looked in several bird books but unable to find the answer to this question; "Which bird has red feet in the summer and yellow feet in the winter" thank you for any suggestions.
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Please can anyone tell me the names of the adoptive parents of Harry Potter. Thank you in advance....
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Please could one of the Genealogists help me with this; Father, Albert Edward Lyons b. 17.11.1908 in Dublin, (parishes of St Warburgh or St Wulstan) went to Canada, Ottawa I think, with his 4 sons;...
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The name of a cartoon character. Q1 "He packs a blow with his distinctive voice". (2. 5) Thank you for any clues.
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Some words were not included in the submission. Q2, should read "What is the name for snow that melts as it falls"?...
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Link Words: Q1. Saving................Play Q2. Money...............Head Q1. In what year did the weather forecast appear in The Times newspaper for the first time? Q2. What is the name for snow which...
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Q. Singularised form of old fashioned underwear and "to the victor goes all the ?" = Thank you for ant help.
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Is there a web site where I would find questions and answers for a Missing Link Word Quiz? Thank you for any ideas.
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Stuck on these last 2. Back....?....Stick. Dock....?....Fall. Thank you for any help.
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Who was the first living member of the Royal Family to be portrayed on stage? Thank you
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Please does anyone know when the last toll was collected on this toll bridge? Thank you for any help.
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Which central American country would fill the gap - India, Cuba, Syria, Slovenia, New Zealand, ...?........... Thank you
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Which sportsperson's first ride in a race was as a 14 year old on Dan Archer? thank you
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Who or What, went from 34 to 39 in MAY 2010? thank you.
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Which well known broadcaster has the same names, in order, as a longserving British admiral born 154 years earlier? thank you.
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Which position connects Peter Mandelson, Graham Green, and Kim Philby? thank you.

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