I'm looking for some advice for a friend, who has a brother with a severe learning disability (fragile x), and lacks capacity. She lives with him to ensure he is ok, and a trust was set up by... ...
Q37 Has a pair of pigtails attached to the sides of her head that can extend to unspecified lengths at will. 5, 10 Q2 is a picture of a long blonde haired smiling lady in her 30s?, possibly an... ...
Help needed please. Answers will have a connection to the 12 Days of Christmas. 38. Hollywood's highest-paid star of 1942 (6,6) 39. She was postmously honoured with a star on Hollywood's Walk of... ...
Answers are all Festive Drinks. Q4 Make for this in bad weather 4 Q10 Powerful bend from the waist 9 Q11 Put at ease in Alabama 8, 7 Q13 A ladies tipple 7 Q30 In a league of its own 7 Thank... ...
Help needed for last 5 please. Q3 Mr Daniels' 5 Q22 Knockout opera 6 Q25 Sketch for Mr Dennis 8 Q39 Prod the girl 5 Q 43 Babe between 5, 2, 3, 6 Thank you Happy Christmas to... ...
just one short, each answer in this quiz , contains the word white, this is question 27 Together with these we learn to read and write [3,3,2,5,3,4,2,5] because the answers are in alphabetical order... ...
Answers are people or characters with a name shared by a flower. Q60 Jesse's love interest who was raised like a son by her father Jake. 5, 1'4 Thank you for any... ...
Mainly cryptic quiz - solutions items of clothing. Supporting Sheffield Churches Council for Community Care (SCCCC). £10 prize picked at random from correct answer sheets, £5 lucky dip. Pay on... ...
Creatures: Great and Small, including males , females or their young, mythical or fictional. 9 Add 2 vowels to kitchen appliance. 7 letters. 30 Does this bird like to drink lager. 11 letters and... ...