I have today ordered a solid oak kitchen original cost £8,500 for my size kitchen (consists of about 10 units plus lighting in wall cabinets) at the sale price got if for £5,200 (including...
Why do I hate shopping ? When I was young I used to love going shopping and always found loads of clothes I liked, although I couldn't always afford to buy them. When I go shopping now - middle-aged...
Since that thread is now irretrievable... let me just say to please_sir... I was in New York for my 28th birthday, which I would hardly deem an age to old to wear such footwear. Moreover, I think I...
why was this thread banned "Al Qaeda and Airport Security."
nothing was wrong with it, healthy debate was taking place and there were some good points....
As far as I recollect, all the terrorists have been "no white" Might it be more profitable to have two levels of security.....intense for the non whites and "fast track" for the...
Hello. Can anyone tell me about a site called Tune up utilities? It keeps coming up on my computer urgeing me to buy it so any advice would be greatly appreciated. S.O.G
Recently the likelihood of Earth type planets has been shown to be higher than was expected. Relativistic effects mean that time dilation makes possible journeys of cosmic distances. For the...