i had a root canal on a molar on thursday and did not feel an atom of pain while the dentist was doing it or that same night,but yeasterday and today im in absolute agony,is it normal to be going...
How many moments have you seized then? and describe them. And I promise I will mention all the moments that you have seized in my book that I am righting (might need a bit of help from you with the...
I went online at 10 a.m to buy tickets for the Killers within minutes the standing had sold out. I managed to grab some seated but not really happy. Yet by 10.30 a.m they are on ebay and other...
It would appear many people access and post to AB from their Phones, iPhones and iPods. The viewing and usability of AB on small devices is patchy. Are you planning a mobile version of the site? A lot...
so... Peter, the arse I sit opposite at work... we've had many fallings out which, honestly, have been 90% his fault. absolutely every time I've been the one to smooth things over, mainly for the sake...
Has anyone on here watched the film 'The Notebook'? My Granddaughter & me watched it last night. It was a fantastic film, but very sad in places - hence we got through lots of tissues!
basically after reading some of the comments on confusedCH question it got me thinking? why do gay people( i hate saying it like that as if they are somewhat a different species, which they are not)...
A survey in Ireland recently showed that 46% of people consider sex important in a relationship. I'd have thought it would be much higher. My question is would you stay in a relationship with your if...
Taken me ages to post this! Well I gave up trying to get back to sleep a while ago so am sat with tea and toast watching the hamster bouncing around:) Getting the sniffles going round at work and not...