We all at one time look for comparison price checks, only last week I was looking for a replacement battery for my Bosch Cordless drill I was quoted ? 46+ for one, after doing a lot of searching I...
Headlines in The Guardian' Gordon Brown plans troops surge in Afghanistan' 2,000 more soldiers for Helmand Headlines in 'The Independent' Revealed: Brown's secret plan to cut Afghanistan force by...
Am after a really great mascara for my holidays as I only wear mascara and lip gloss on hols. I don't mind paying a bit extra for a really good one. Can anyone recommend one please?
tiggerblue10. Dont worry tiggs I have just been over to the news section and sorted them out for you. http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/News/Question78 1967.html I don't think they will be bothering you...
following on from ELVIS'S thread ok please give reasons why you would have the bands/artists you chose. not all 6 just the ones you can be arsed to mention. 6 if you want.
Where did the word "Okay" (OK) originate. It is used in all countries and languages, I once spoke to a girl in the back streets of Hong Kong and she said "Okay" It must be the most used word...
Reasons to be cheerful right now? My reasons to be cheerful are: It's saturday - will have drink and scoff naughty food later. I didn't wake up with a bad back this morning. There's loads more tea in...
Run it by me again just exactly what your problem with me is as im damnd if I know.I only know you post crappy doo doos after I have posted (in my known user name I hasten to add lol) O ask reefgal as...
i'll leave you with legend and knobby, if i go then they'll have to turn on one of you, step up guys, take over cos i have had enough, especially as you lot seem to be painting me with the same tar as...
It's the weekend again and the weather is lousy. how unusual! It is supposed to persist down all day, looking at the sky I can believe that. Oh well, have a good day anyway.