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Not for me dont generally dunk!!!
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My auntie dresses for the nuclear age (there's at least an 80% fallout) and I actually avoid being seen with her. I'm surprised the fashion police haven't issued a warrant for her arrest.
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... erm, I'm just off to the pub for a bit. Shan't be too long. Mwah x x x J
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Anyone else think this is a terrorist target too big to miss? If there are any al qaeda sympathisers in the UK looking for a target to hit , surely this is the daddy of them all?
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Bonzo 2000
In a recent promotional advert, it appeared this was being pronounced as mo-ette. I had always assumed that this was incorrect. In an episode of The Royle Family, Jim is heard to say of his glass of...
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Would you Split or Steal?
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(this is obviusly a hypothetical question) What exactly would be the full implications if the internet,stopped working for a month? How heavily do we rely on our computers now,could we suddenly have...
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This is why i got my first one,though i soon got sacked for gross misconduct and then sued by the milkman union for wearing their trademarked uniform and for constantly bullying other co workers into...
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that what goes around comes around? A guy who lived in my street was a persistent drunk driver and eventually ended up knocking down a young woman and killing her, before being jailed and banned from...
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Should I send her out to work?
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Heres a website i stumbled across,check out the sad "we died young" storys on the left hand side especially the first one
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Whats your fave colour ? When did you last go for a walk in the countryside? Do you call a jaffa cake a cake or a biscuit? Jammy dodgers do you dunk them in tea / coffee or not? Noel edmonds , should...
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yes me again! ( i really will do the housework soon) just wondered if anyone had tried that bio oil? i never got stretch marks with my first but i have quite clearly with this one, cant say im that...
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There is a woman on the telly who has a phobia with mannequins,and the other week a woman had phobia with toilets wonder where the phobias and fears stem from,have you have any strange fears and...
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Please, please, please I don't want to hear the usual ranty arguments against the existence of God or afterlife, I just want to know why the hatred against religious belief. Nobody today is forced to...
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I was appalled recently by the case of the teenagers who tried to roast 2 tiny little puppies on a bonfire. What would you do with these sickos if you had two minutes in a room with them? Can you...
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Sorry this phrase can no longer be used instead we must become PC and use Caravan Utilizing Nomadic Tribes people Think about it....................................................
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I'm off to bed now. Enjoy the rest of your evening! X
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do you think people are fed up with this site ? (honest answers only ) please!!
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household appliance? (and I don't mean the type you get from Ann Summers) I couldn't live without the dishwasher!!!

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