Anyone help please. 11 ac Lots and lots of money (8) f?r???e? Fortunes? 3 dn Overtakes us in error (6) l?p??? 14 dn Marrying maiden at end of morning?Be stoical about it. (8,2) ?a?c?i?g ??
Answers are Sweets and Biscuits. Push upwards (5) Split from thr group (9) Journey between Dublin/New York (5) Very hungry maybe ? (8) Tinkle the ivories (5) I think this one may be Tunes. Any help...
Anyone help with these please. 21 ac Nothing stops doctor touching pedestrian (8) me???c?e 15 ac girl keeps back right ornament for garden plant (5,5) l???? ????? 13 dn Source of ruination to plant?...
1 A black and white happy dog. 2 Gloomy covering top. 3 An area of open land,price of charge on public transport. Any help with these three appreciated.
I need two to complete a quiz.Can anyone help please. The answers are Christmas Carols or songs and the clues are just letters. L I A C R and W S C G Y L.Many thanks.
Can't get started at all today.Can amyone help to kick-start me.6 dn Amusement mounts ,as does my support in Cambridge college 7,6 10 dn florence's fine visiting cast do Hamlet play.4,2,3,4
25 ac (7) p???i?? Condition mostly cooler? Nothing against going inside. 18 dn (8) ???a???a An insect in unsettled area spread over America. 15 dn (9) ????s???? take time over organised display. 17 dn...
Can't figure out the answers for 5 of the clues today.
17 ac residing 18 ac triton 25 ac fearless 15 dn surprises 16 dn one-horse
can anyone explain olease?
Can't get started today.can anyone help with 4 dn to get me going.Give up final place,and be disturbed by later events 4,2,4,5. t??? ?? O???? ????? Also 22 ac.One blooming simple game:fail to...