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Can we have a nice night tonight please where we can be respectful to eachother and perhaps compliment the people who deserve it, a feelgood factor night I think....or am being unrealistic???? LOL I...
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Ronald M'cdonald was not in residence so I thought I might try to find a few clowns on here.
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The records you keep on everyone!! {:D
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can anyone tell me,why just before i fall asleep i get body twiches,it started about 3-4 months ago.When it first started it would be just my arm or leg that would jerk.In the past few weeks my whole...
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me, back,,, got to be meek and mild and somewhat subservient,,,,sniff No future little gems from me, and will speak when spoken to incase my kids disown me. I shall refrain from being too Bold also...
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Husband and wife Hubby gets 'I Love You' tattooed on his penis and goes home to show his wife. She says: 'There you go again, trying to put words in my mouth.' probs won't get away with this one,,,LOL
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i am going to report my first question Sayings/Jokes/Question755099.html
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has caused my thread to disapear, why and how i do not know, but my id is not zapped by the auto system, and so someone is signing out and signing in in different names i think just to report threads.
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What banned ABers do you think should be given an amnesty? I'll start with unrulyjulie.
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Are you happy with the name your parents give you or would you like to change it! I worked in the public sector and have came across, brother and sister Lavender and Lyle , Shalako,{parents fans} of...
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Haven't posted for a long time? Lakitu is one!
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No,Knowledge /Lottery-winner-has-just-four-days-to-claim-9m .html shall i just frame it?
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are you awrite? youve got a face oan yie like a burst baw lol
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Sorry - didnt know where to post this! And before you criticise for my word spacing - can I say my space bar on keyboard keeps getting stuck!!! We have been living in our house now for 3 yrs.Previous...
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Has anyone heard from jadey model ? She seemed really sweet but was abused by some of the more jealous women on nhere and left a bit upset. Women can be such b1tches to each other sometimes .
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to the neo-millionairess - if you're still going out tonight, get those old 70's bell bottomed trousers from your wardrobe, cut the legs off and sew them back on upside down - that way they'll fit you...
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have you ever woken up with them bullfrogs blues ?
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The AB logo is changed? Its still easter themed!!
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someone provide me with some tips for Aintree races this Friday 15th please, first race 5.30pm-8.45pm. Thanx in advance
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my body is getting old ,but young at heart ,i like to have fun and keep my sense of humour,i only feel about 25 but my body refuses to do things a 25 year old would do,how about you

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