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I saw Schnoodles on an American dog breed website. Are there Schnoodles in England, and is it likely to find one in a rescue centre?
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wiggal 7585607.stm So quick, yet so sweet! Surely the Giant panda must have the smallest babies of any animal if you go my mum to baby ratio? Or any others that...
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can anybody advise me what is the best collar to use on my boxer to stop him pulling.he is only 14 months old but he is really strong,I have tried chokers and harnesses but none of them work.
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Hello again everyone! I've just come off the phone with the vet and have to say i'm very disappointed. He has informed me that to get a repeat prescription of Rocky's medication i have to see him...
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My cat keeps on scratching herself, she's up to date on her flea treatment, so I'm not sure what's up, unless she has hayfever?? Thing is where she is scratching it is now looking sore and red and I...
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I bought 3 silkie chicken a col wks ago and the all seem to have snotty noses and appear to sneeze. They sometimes breath through their beaks too, not through their nostrils. Has anyone else come...
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Where can I find a cat sitter in Glasgow? My usual cat sitter is fully booked. I've phoned around and can't get anyone.
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Hello everyone! I just wondered how much it will cost to get my beloved dog 'Rocky' cremated? I have had him since he was 3 weeks old as he was abandoned in gardens. He is a brindle lurcher and now...
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Hi. We have a white staffy bitch, aged 8 months and since she was 12 weeks old she has had bald patches especially under her chin and on her chest and legs. She doesn't scratch but it looks so awful....
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Can anyone tell me whether the following number - 011 441 493 xxxxxx - which I have been given by a colleague in USA, is a valid UK dialling code(he has assured me that it is). It doesn't look like a...
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My pup might have quite weird feet but I am not entirely sure! She has 4 pads on each foot as normal, however her middle/front 2 are not totally split ie they look a bit like webbed pads. From the...
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My 17 year-old cat is Hyperthyroid and the medication (Vidalta) is working well, but she often has 'off days' on which she suffers from chronic indigestion and sometimes vomits. She has had...
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i treated my cat with frontline 3 weeks ago, the fleas seemed to go but i found one again today and i am covered in bites. i no cats dont like bathing but i cant use frontline again for another couple...
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No idea where to place this Q (wanted a hobbies section), so posting in a couple of places. A friend of mine is a keen fisherman and likes to photograph his catches. Most of the time he tends to...
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I'm on holiday in Florida and have just found the scariest insect on the pool deck. It looked just like a cockroach (body length of about an inch) but had back legs that were much bigger and were...
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My Precious Boy was diagnosed with Kidney failure about a month ago. He seems to be managing ok at the moment. He is putting on weight, fairly active and eating reasonably well. He is on Fortekor,...
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I just saw the CUTEST puppy! And i want one! Hi was 3months old and Tiny..Browny gingery sort of colour with thick pointy upright ears! I asked the owner and she said a something terrer...I thought...
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My flatmate's cat has brought fleas into the flat and I'm the only one that has been bitten (17 times on my right foot and 16 on my left!!) She's picking up ssome flea fumigation spray from the vets...
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My brothers 5yr old bedlington terrier died suddenly today when having its hair clipped! all in shock! Do you think he,s been that afraid that he,s had a heart attack? Do you doggy people know...
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Advice anyone please - full story below - my cat has just been diagnosed with intestinal cancer - yes I am in consultation with my vet, but any further advice is welcome please. In Feb I took Saffy...

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