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My daughter lives in a privately rented house.Her landlord still has a key and when something needs repairing etc.,he lets himself in if she is not home,he does knock but if no reply,he just walks...
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I have just seen two kids from my childs school, walk past on their own. The one is 10 and the other (his sister) is 7. Do you think this is too young to be walking home on their own? I know (roughly)...
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I'm currently doing Weight Watchers online and have lost 7lbs in two weeks but am finding the pro points hard work and am constantly hungry. I've done a list of foods I love, and eat regularly and it...
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My son wishes to make a recording for his Great Grandma 's funeral in two weeks . He will be on holiday at the time so can't play it live, has anybody got any ideas how we can go about doing it....
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Hi all have just heard from Mrs Owd and Owd is probably fairly tired, so he won't likely be on tonight. He had the camera procedure this morning and they have found an infection deep in his throat...
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The little girl shot by the Taliban for wanting an education is recovering, and a fund has now been set up to help others currently denied an education. My admiration of her bravery knows no bounds....
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Fantastic News from Social Security concerning Pensions and Benefits نور اگر رفت سايه پيدا نيست نقش ديوار و چشم خيره ما نقش سايه دگر نمي دان...
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Has lost his battle against lung cancer. RIP
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On Channel 4 now ........... are you watching?
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On eBay they have a star grading which can be applied at the feedback stage. Example: you've seen an auction item that clearly shows postage costs, you're happy to bid for item & you win it. Once...
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The powers that be recommend that we read our childrens' Facebook page to check up on them, their photos and what they are writing. How on earth are we supposed to do this without Friending them ??...
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Which historical or literary figure do you think most resembles you? The question is prompted by Richard III turning up in a car park this morning. I always felt quite an affinity with him and of...
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they have not mentioned it at all
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looking at going to my school reunion, it struck me how many people still live in our home town (portsmouth) just wondered if they are the lucky ones for staying, or if i'm the lucky one for getting...
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University of Leicester hoping to prove that the remains found are those of Richard 111, by comparing DNA with that of a known relative. Surely, in the last analysis, we are all related DNA-wise to...
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youngmafbog a way to end up.where should we put him if it is him ?...
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Good morning, We've decided to offer everyone the chance to change their username, just once, to make it more appropriate. Why? Well, over the years we've had different rules at different times about...
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The school where I teach has a room where those who don't care for the hustle and bustle of the playground can go - to play board games, use computers, read, and occasionally have lessons in. But we...
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Any news on Owd, anyone?

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