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Last week Dan Pearson in "The Observer" said that he had been told that spiders can only produce so much silk in their lifetime. Is this so, and if so, what happens when they have used up their...
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this year i have gained an allotment on which is a thornless blackberry plant.does anyone know how and when i should prune it? i would be most grateful for any help. thanks.
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Hi, I am trying to find out if the 30 minute and 1 hour parking restrictions apply to disabled drivers where they have sign at side of road. If I park on the double yellow lines I can park for 3...
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We plant runner beans every year, but we have been told by a friend that after harvesting them if we cut them back they will come again the following year without re planting, is this right?
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We're getting our snail problem under control in the garden. Well, to be honest, something else is doing it for us!! We're starting to find many MANY empty snail shells around. There are a few with...
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My apple tree is coming up for its fourth summer and for the last three years has been covered in ants.Am I right in thinking that you can buy greasebands to put around the base of the tree to stop...
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What is the idea behind having plastic bottles of water lying on the lawn?
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My questions are as follows: 1) I usually leave my daffs in the ground from one season to the next, but this year I have lifted them and dried them. What is now the best thing to do with them? I don't...
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My dog has a bad itching problem. The vet said not to worry about it but it drives her nuts sometimes. She does not have fleas. Dog creams and sprays don't help much. Is it ok to use Aloe Vera Gel or...
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Dee Sa
I have a three year old fig tree standing in a very large pot. only 1 fig this year [ same last year] all the leaves have turned a yellow colour and are dropping off one by one. Have I watered too...
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What is the best way to store potato's and other vegetables
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wot winter vedge can i sow now list please thank's
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OK, don't get me wrong - I like cats. The problem is we live in a fairly built up area and next door have two cats. Next door only have a small garden which they do not maintain at all and is very...
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does anyone work for the environment agency or a landfill site or similar who can help me? I'm confused about landfill waste. I always thought that the reason it is a problem is because of the amount...
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Vomit. Another person's vomit in particular.
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Is it just me or has anybody else noticed that the guy is standing in the Tan Hill Pub (the highest pub in England) he opens the window to hear a gale force wind roaring outside then shuts it to...
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what's your pet hate in the garden? (apart from cat poo that is) or any funny stories? I hate yukkas - horrible things. I don't understand why they're popular & I cut my arm on one last year simply...
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Hi, I wondered if anyone has any good tips for a new greenhouse owner. I will just be using it to grow my own food. Is there anything important i need to know about setting it up? Do you have any...
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Can anyone tell me why my broad beans look slightly yellow and sickly? They had a bad attack of blackfly which I've just about got rid of - would this have caused it? All the other beans on the...
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I bought some strawberry plants last year and had a small crop,this year i had a quite large crop,but for some reason they havn't sent out any runners.anyone know why this happend? Thanks

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