Hello, Trying hard to do this quiz and the answers are all National Trust properties although no number of letters for the answers are given. 3. When its buckled, white at dover 10 Large house in...
Hello everyone, This quiz is proving quite hard and I am stuck on many, but could anyone help with the following. 63. Farmer, ladies & gents ride different in this 89. Can't find, -, its lost...
Could anyone help me please with the following: 30. Could find Lindis here 123. A prison cell & put hat on This quiz has no given number of letters for the answer so any clues would be...
I have been asked for help with some dingbats from my daughter and I am stuck on some. It is difficult to describe, but I will do my best. I have (now) (he) shown under slightly slanted and (re)...
My mother and sister bought a house together 10 years ago and it was their intention that the property should be registered in their names as joint tenants. Mother has now died and it has emerged that...
To JMR27 Thank you for your excellent answers. I have two more which I just need confirming. Passage and small island Main part and young man I have answers but there is another part to this quiz and...
I am doing a quiz which needs to be posted today and I am struggling with two. The words defined differ in length by one letter and the remaining letters, unchanged in order, form the shorter word....
My mother died last week and I have two sisters. One sister lived with our mother for 30 years and cared for her throughout her illness. Mum's wishes were that my sister would inherit the property for...
I apologise if these have been asked before but I am trying to finish this quiz and still have a few to do. I am struggling with the following: Any help would be appreciated. No number of letters have...
The answers are names of films from the clues given. Number of letters in title not known. They could be old or new films. Joke about wifes parents Four corners --- ring is round Forty shades, holes...
You have to find names of films from the clues given, but no number of letters given: Any help would be appreciated because I still have loads to do. Joke about wifes parents Four corners --- ring is...
Use your skill to find films from the clues. No number of letters given.
Joke about wifes parents
Mans name and his little girl
Four corners ---ring is round
Any help would be appreciated....
This is quite a difficult quiz as there are no number of letters given. If you can work out the clue it will give the answer: Any help with be much appreciated. 59 Cattle in a market, prostitute on...
All the answers are to do with sports & games but no letters are given. Any help with the following would be appreciated. 84 Numbers on three corners Many thanks
All the answers are to do with games & sports from the clues. No number of letters is given. 31 Going lower on runners 15 Smooth timber with this, see who can win 101 Find in pub in old days, mostly...
There are no number of letters given, but I need a clue as to the first part of the question to see if I am on the right track. 37 Put b in white oak, he conquered Any help would be much appreciated
Need some help please from all the clever people out there. Some of the answers appear quite straightforward in this quiz, but I am really stuck on quite a few, especially the following. There are no...
Any help would be much appreciated with this quiz, but there are no numbers of letters given. Desperate, fearful, two parallel lines on bends (Thinking on the lines of Dire Straits, but cannot fathom...