Anyone know something useful that can be done with cacao nibs (raw) ? Someone, who shall remain nameless, got a reasonably large bag of these things, (I'm unsure why, but suspect the difficulty... ...
My woman's PC has been getting slow, delays and suchlike. Looking at it I saw the system drive was getting quite full (%wise anyway) and we've opted to buy a larger SSD to replace it. But I... ... "District councils could be abolished and more elected mayors introduced across England under new plans for a major redesign of local... ...
MSM gets a fair amount of flak for bias and not reporting some news etc. but, looks like they may have little choice. Apparently, in the UK at least, it's not permitted to tell the truth, or it... ...
Anyone know how to turn these off ? My woman just had an unexpected alarm related to it going to be a bit windy around here in a bit. I thought that due to some previous government test, the... ...
Searched for a business type near me, Google Maps opened. Most markers were shaped as a red ring, but one marker is squared off with rounded corners. I can not find a key to explain the difference... ...
First they try to make the traffic crawl "everywhere", now they try to wreck their own tourist trade. Maybe residents should hold a referendum regarding scrapping their regional... ...
Unsure if I've asked here before but... why do cafés and supermarkets claim to offer free WiFi, get your device to claim it is connected, then have it say you aren't connected to Internet ? Is it... ...
Stumbled across this: Should be good for a heated AB discussion. ...
Anyone else got issues today with Yahoo e-mail ? On my client it claims I need to reauthenticate, takes me to a capcha robot test, where it fails to notice that I get it right both times and telks... ...
Came back to find an Amazon Prime zip container containing two parcels, different addresses, neither of which was for anyone in the road, left outside on the pavement. I thought I'd tell them they... ...
Ok, something which, when younger I'd be advising others on but these days I feel I'm no longer as knowledgeable as I once was. (That's retirement and stagnation for you.) My woman has an old... ...
I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a free planning app/programme ? Windows or Android. I'm not referring to a project management type suite. No desire for dates & deadlines. I just... ...
I wondered what counts as junk food given the government plans. Thankfully the BBC provides the answer. 🙂 I'm sure it would've taken less space... ...
Just watching this on Freeview channel 50. Wondered if any knowledgeable individual knew of what was changed compared to other episodes that made it so $*^$$@$& awful ? It's disjointed, jumps from... ...