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hi bit of a complicated question but needs to be answered if anyone can... well i have been out with my gilfriend for 5 years we split up at the end of march 2007 we both went our seperate ways but...
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my 19 year old daughter just told me she is pregnant
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i think i have wrote some very personal stuff on here through questions, and someone i work with has spotted me on here and now creating their own account, knowing them i know they will prob search...
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I hate my sister and I feel terrible about admitting it. She has everything going for her, I have not. She has a great husband and a beautiful child, many many friends, male and female, loads of...
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My best friend is a guy. However, I think the line between us has blurred. He keeps on tickling me, stroking my face, telling me how to wear my hair, grabbing my hands and holding them, once he pulled...
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Hey, um a random question really. I got pregnant a few months ago but miscarried at 7 weeks :(.. ive had periods since and decided to go onto the pill a month ago, I took it for 3 weeks and then took...
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My girlfriend means so much to me... we are in love. We are both 16. My family know how much she means to me and we want to get married. But I have a situation, I am stressed and I just feel like...
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I found out a couple of weeks ago that my husband had been texting and phoning my best friend, whos having marital issues. He denied that there was anything going on except talking and listening, so...
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i just posted this and it never appeared?? so apologies if it turns up again!! just wondering the reason as to why you dont eat nuts during pregnancy? i first thought it was just peanuts but then my...
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really terrible to you in the past, is it wrong to forgive and forget and still love him?
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lsharp 29 weeks pregnant and its so uncomfortable especially when i am at work. im not leaving work until 36 weeks. i work on the checkouts and although i have cut my hours etc i still find it...
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Does anybody else that women really posses a female intuition? I like to think so, but my boyfriend thinks that there is no such thing. Does anybody else out there feel tahat women have the ability to...
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i have recently been told that if i have any more days off due to my pregnancy then it may jeoperdize my maternity leave/pay is this true?
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basically after reading some of the comments on confusedCH question it got me thinking? why do gay people( i hate saying it like that as if they are somewhat a different species, which they are not)...
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Hey, You might of seen my other question just from the other day " Am i being stupid? ".. Well I have come to the conclusion I need to stop messing this fella i have been dating ( but am not with )...
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For the first time in 7 years my entire family will be with me from all over the world and my partner has invited his 16 year old daughter. After all the lying, stealing, being in trouble with the...
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Something I`ve been pondering on, our individual reasons for conversing on AB. Catching up on some late night threads (Wing Flying, for instance) made me try to envisage under which circumstances a...
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I think there should be a gay/les Topic box!!!
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Hey all - hope your all good. Im not quite sure whats happening to me today... ...I am 32 weeks pregnant and since yesterday morning I have been having really strange tightening all over my tummy and...
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Hi there I know you are all going to think I am a bad mum but my daughter is just started school - she is 6 in March - and still has her dummy - have racked my brains for suggestions on how to get rid...

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