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after a recent conversation with someone . of the female species . i haev come to the conclusion . that some women think guys only think with their d!cks. and if a woman says something overtly sexual...
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I have been in my new job for three weeks and i'm just getting used to the way things are working. A few days ago, the Directors' P.A came downstairs and had a go at me due to some post being in the...
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Surely all those that have voted "No" don't have to use Chatterbank, so where is the problem?
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Yipee do... What a huge let down
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I have an austrlian recipe for chutney that i would like to try but the ingredients are measured out in cups. Does anyone know the British equivalents please?
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Pick on me big boy why dont do .you can spell almost and I cant so get in there and pick all your noses out on me and do your best ******* baby and we are all ten times the little p'rick on her that...
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My mum died suddenly and unexpectedly last weekend. I have been in Newcastle with my family for a week and came home yesterday. Now I can't motivate myself for anything. I have two kids who need me to...
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I would like to take down some small gift to the ambulance station Christmas Day. Would it be appropriate to take in some mince pies and a bottle of sherry? Thinking of the drinking on duty rules...
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im reading it and folk are talking about extra screens , extra names. aliases . dont doubl?e post in wrong namr. now my question is. why would you need an alias unless it was to hide behnd to either...
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I have just found a website with updates that I'll put here for anyone who is interested:- tId=1000002&mediaId=51600692&campaignid=update I guess the...
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I get very depressed when the ed moves my questions to a sub category where no one will vere see them. Please Aber's I need advice on how to end this bout of depression:...
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Why has my question gone already from AB? I only put it on tonight about 8pm and it has already disappeared. Why? It was asking how to install my web cam.
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I'd be much obliged to you ladies if someone can tell me what to do with the pasta that I am about to make in my new pasta maker. The instructions are to "rest the pasta before cooking" - well quite...
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I do try as best I can to give a helpful answer. So far I have had 3 answers removed - one is this week and I simply can't see what answer it was that has been removed and why it was removed in the...
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Does anyone have a good authenic recipe for this. All the ready made ones seem "flat"...the flavours are not strong enough.
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Is there anyone sitting at home stewing because they haven't heard from a relative or friend for a long time? And rather than not picking up the phone to call them, you've decided that you're not...
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A friend of mine is going into hospital at the end of the month to have this removed, how long would he be expected to be off work. Can anyone help?
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3 years ago my aunts told me that my mam was seeing a married man (my mams single and lives with my granmother) she denied it to the last saying it was lies and the family hasnt been the same since...
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After two months I suggest it's about time the ABed updated the blog. Ed must have something to say, even if it is just to inform us what the maintenance issue was that caused the AB site to be...
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I've just enjoyed 6 oysters and 1/4 bottle of champagne and I don't feel any stirrings anywhere. Should I have had a dozen oysters do ye think, or maybe half a bottle of champagne? Or is this lark...

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