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Rotating marker, draw round old vessel (7) I have T____O_T I'm assuming it's either TUGBOAT or TOWBOAT but I can't parse either beyond TAB round O....
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Mused around at home it's necessary (5, 4) I should get this but I'm stumped!...
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I've got answers that fit the definitions, but I can't really parse them: 1A Fixes tennis nets after slice returns (7) F___E_S 2D Boozer up for 3? I can't hear you (7)__E_K/_P (3 down is EASY) I have...
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Former county college grade with 'plus' added (9) A_E_E_A_D Unless I've got another one wrong... not my best morning......
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State capital's toilet working (7) S_C_S_N
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18A Small feature of dress that may attract attention (3) __M
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Female animal, the Queen's dog (4) Why "hind" - what is the Queen's dog connection?...
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21 Describing New York, talk up sandwiches I saw (6) _A_I_G 27 Detailed plan, provider of focus (5) S_E_S...
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Don't confront total lack of diamonds, say (5) A_O__ - I have AVOID, but I can't happily parse it.
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Search bottom parts, unattractive (8) _R____I_H Shortage in change? Absolutely (4) ___N...
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Really struggling today 1a Wood gathering: men getting stuck in (6) 21d Admission of masters degrees ultimately filled out by college (6)...
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$1,000 campaign is thick and soft! (6) G_O___
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9ac Doc possibly moves forward, or quits (5) I have D?A?? All help appreciated
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Brief second coffee (5): _A_T_
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27A: "Rich uniform covers" (4) R_U_ The answer may be a Hebridean island, in which case there is no definition in the clue....
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14. Small item of kit assembled, including a prong and energy socket (7,6) M_t_n_e/_a_k_t I've doublechecked all the down clues going through, and I can't see anything wrong. I feel embarrassed having...
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8, 21D) 'E's crazy - First Noel a protest song! (4,6) ---R/--F-E-...
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Quite a few I can't get in this one, but 18 across should give me the letters I need to finish it off: (5,7) Lying bums hide beneath their disguise (----e/-o-t-m-) I'm guessing the second word is...
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4 D Aurally compare with simple plant (6) l?c?e? 5 D Lazy type to point of throw (4) ??o? 6 D Work problem for one rejecting motion (7) ??p???r 7 D professional life, English disregarded,for a...
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Hi. Help with 11a please: Setter describing a clanger, perhaps, as owner of large corporation (5,5) I have (I think) ??l??/?e?l? Thanks...

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