Red pepper that is grown Northern Spain (8) P??????O Whitish spot seen near horizon in thick mist (3-3) F?DD?G Clandestely and unobtrusively (2,3,2) O?H????
Whats the connexion, it dates back to 2300 BC and lives in a circular shadow. A Military excursion revealed our rotten connexion to the world. . . . . rotten because it is believed to have a...
no videoYellow flowered plant with aromatic fruits ???N?L. Crop-eating African weaver-bird ?N?L?A. Zulu folk-music that resembles jazz ????A.Milk without crean ???M. Yellow -flowered plant with...
Although this is an international icon, for many it tells only half the story. Staff refer to this connexion simply as "G". . . . It should be noted, this connexion was first used in thr 10th century...
How stupid was I yesterday when thinking SALLY LIGHTFOOT was the sender of the answer to 28a, when it was the name of the crab grapus grapus with, utmost embarrassment. owlandpuss
New Zealand interjection meaning good health (6) R?A??? System of single holding of land (7) ??N?O?E North American swimming and diving exhibition (7) A??L?D? Capuchin or spider monkey (5) S?J??
Still stuck with two International road system (3) T?R Word from French for extravagant admiration (6) ?U?E?R auteur means author andfureur means fury, can anybody help
According to one,s prayer(2,4) ?X?O?O could it be EX VOTO Person seeming to be simple and unsophisticated (4,4) ?A?X?A?F could it be FAUX NAIF and thanks to KAYAKAMINA and SHANEYSTAR for the other...
Acting as substitue pitcher in baseball (2,6) I?R?L??? could it be IN RELIEF Grand - - - -, famous make of motor car M?R?U? Was eager to accept or believe (6,2) L?P?E???
Is a Victoria regia known as a WATER MAIZE or is there another name for them but the first word is definitely Water?A?Z?. Giant perennial aquatic plant Victoria regia (5-5)