In the Fifties it was preducited that in the future we would have robots to do all the work, would fly around with jetpacks and drive nuclear-powered cars. Would it be feasible to make a nuclear...
I was on a training course yesterday where we discussed acting as mentor for less experienced team members. Everyone seemed to be using the term 'mentee' meaning the person being supported. Learning...
This was an example presented on a 'clearer english training course'. "You are all invited to the residential on Tuesday". I think 'residential' is an adjective so the sentence is missing an object or...
The BL Austin Princess was a wedge-shaped horror. But there was another posher marque in the series that had a kind of rolls royce grille. What was it called?
What would happen if you disposed of radioactive waste in an active volcano? Would the radioactive decay be increased by the extreme heat or would you simply end up with radioactive lava?
Saw two army tanks driving along the motorway this afternoon. Are they allowed on motorways? If they're involved in an accident are they covered by insurance?
BA have asked their staff to work for nothing for a month. If the staff agree to this what happens if they don't turn up for work? Can the employer dock money because they've broken their agreement?
This is a hypothetical situation to explore an idea. Suppose an employer advertises a fixed-term job with the stipulation that potential employees must disclose any reasons which may interfere with...
There are regular reports in the media condemning films for being very violent. In earlier times, what was Shakespeares's most violent play and was it condemned for being violent?