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I'm going to uni next year as in 2011, and im not sure on what to study?.. Thinking zoology or ecology? Any other good sciency animal courses out there? Any suggestions? Thankss :)...
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Has anyone seen earthlings?.....
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Does anyone know how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, Ive tried creams but they dont seem to work Helppp.... :/...
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I need help trying to thicken my hair... Does anyone know any sort of hair masks or anything i can do to thicken my hair?... Any help/suggestions would be greatly apriciated Thank youu :)...
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I need help on relating the structural characterists and functions of the different types of RNA to their role in protein synthesis, (mRNA, tRNA and rRNA) I also need help on the uses of protein...
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I have done a experiment in class to make antifebrin and now i need to analyse my results and write about an organisation who make antifebrin and show how the results would be of use to the...

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