Out of interest, have recent developments made people feel any different about swine flu? I seem to remember the last time it made an appearance on AB, the overwhelming trend of response was people...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/arti cle-1199422/Woof-justice-Meet-pooches-amazing- technicolour-dreamcoats.html Is it acceptable to go to such lengths to make your pet stand out in a crowd?...
my mum is an alcoholic and has become frail. she has had several falls and lives with me. she wouldn't see a doctor so i went to see the nurse and all i could do was call 999 if she fell again. it was...
Help! I need some advice please! My husband works in an animal shelter and we often brings dogs back home for the night which is all very nice. We've recently brought one back home who seems to be...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-120035 1/Jeweller-warned-racially-offensive-sign-bann ing-Eastern-Europeans-shop---string-raids-Roma nians.html Was this shopkeeper wrong to refuse entry into...
A student has been jailed for a minimum of 10 years for plotting to blow himself up using his own "suicide vest" and home-made explosives after a tip off to police by the from the muslim community....
My friend and her family (including 2 teenage daughters) have neighbours who are Housing Association tennants. Since they moved in 3 or 4 years ago they have made my friend's life a misery with their...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-120016 8/Disgraced-bank-chief-Fred-Shred-Browns-Chequ ers-guest-list.html Browsing the attached list of those who have gorged themselves at taxpayers' expense,...
My ex has just been in county court today up for an assualt charge on me for fractured ribs. It has been adjourned for 6 weeks as they need my medical records when I went to A&E for an x-ray. He is...
I asked about the steroids my bichon was on and that i give them to him in the evening. Would i be better giving them to him early morning, I get up at 6am for work and it would mean getting up half a...
I was in a road rage incident with another driver some guy cut me up,i used my horn to signal my frustration at him. He didnt take kindly to this & started mouthing abuse at me, so i mouthed abuse...
Hi again all! Didn't know where to post this - Sorry! My partner and I have been invited to a muslim wedding next week, quite a posh one too - only problem is I have no idea what I should wear or...
What is the next date on your calendar that you are really looking forward to? October 2nd is the next big date in my calendar, as it is my mum's birthday, and we'll all probably do something nice...
http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/11418 8/Fight-over-soldiers-rights-rule Should our troops be protected the same as anyone else, by the the Human Rights Act? Take away the glasses and trim the...
The Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain accepted ?45,000 damages from the BBC on Thursday over a claim on Question Time that he condoned the kidnapping and killing of British soldiers....
Here's a picture of my great-grandfather, John William Ward, taken during World War II: http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/38/greatgrand ad6x4.jpg Can anyone tell, from looking at his uniform, what...
Good evening, Can someone please advise me on the rules incident below, I have applied for a job with the police but have been advised that In 1992 i was given a police caution. My problems with this...
That wasnt my boyfriend!! or my 4 yr old nephew. Quite strange I'm not too sure what he was doing or even that I want to know, but I was driving along and he had his trousers round his ankles