Estie has asked me to let you all know that she is leaving AB for a while. The reason being obvious I think. She has been dragged into an argument (along with Red) that NO ONE has the right to drag...
Every morning I wake up with terrible cramps in my calf muscles and it doesn't really go away as the day wears on. Can anyone think of any possible reason for this and also possible remedies? I dont...
My partner wants to have a tatoo done but all the local tattoo places are really seedy. She wants a tattoo of a rose and wants to find a place that is nice and welcoming that does an excellent job....
After reading Nat_84 post about getting her scan today (congrats nat x) im once again brought back to the day when i had my first scan. it was the worst and the best day of my life. I took the day of...
i have a bit of a dilemma this weekend, my parents are going away so me and my sister have free house...anyway i was just wondering if this was weird... ive been invited to my mates party but its...
I've just seen my neighbour naked... not a pretty site... my bedroom (where my ibook sits) is directly opposite her bedroom... honestly it was an accident... bad timing... I feel queezy... >;o(
I've not visited this site much the last few months - what with retiring from the NHS and then a new job 'n' all. But I would like to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year. LOVE...
I am thinking of getting the veg ready tonight so that it's one less thing to think about tomorrow but I don't want anyone ending up with food poisoning! Will they stay fresh if I prepare them...
Its late and I'm not long in. Before I start, I knocked a glass of wine on the thing I am writing on now. so, for some reason it will not let my write the letter that is after o in the alphabet!! my...
I have to share this as I am still giggling. I live 80 yards from an undertakers shop and 200 yards from a church. This morning I was walking the dog and passed the undertakers and one staff member...
Most people say one particular colour-its true! its really Weird! but i wont tell you yet in case i infulence your answer.. What colour do you think of?
It has just been mentioned to me that Al-Qaeda could be behind the Suffolk murders. Initially, I thought of it as hogwash but the more i think about it............................ 1) They have picked...