Whitney Houston is going to be paid 1.7 million to perform at a charity fund-raiser. Am i missing something?-I know-'means to an end'-her pressence will attract more money.etc,etc....I wonder if she...
I was feeling a bit depressed today so I went and bought a M&S Lemon Meringue Roulade...yummm..BUT-I have eaten half of it and I feel a guilt-ridden sugar-rush wafting over me. I want the rest of...
live up to our expectations??.....i am thinking of MiniNs thread below.......we all have dreams of that ideal place that we would escape to if given the chance-but how often does dream match reality?...
thats me today...and I will be worse tomorrow. My daughter isn't coming down from London to see me(poor student and all that...yet she was down last week to go clubbing).....and to make me feel worse...
I am getting tired of just the cat for company...and he refuses to get me a cup of tea in the morning. So if you would like to be my male serving wench-do get in touch . The wages are low but you will...
PLEASE stop arguing......it has gone on long enough and no-one is going to win. Please stop trying to have the last word...or this will go on forever. You each have friends here who hate to see this...
Yessss....I have 2 days off,then work Saturday....and then 8DAYS of me time .Waahhhhoooo!! I love annual leave especially since I've not had time off since September. :-))))
'talks' constantly!! I know that deaf cats do not possess the mechanism that tells them they are loud-lol.....but will he be like this forevermore??? He is only 7 months old now-will he become quieter...
Wasn't going to bother posting this-but nothing ventured..etc........could as many ABers as possible please try to put their differences aside for 24 hours so we can have a pleasant time on this site...
The winner of the competion to Name My Cat is jointly held by Leggy and my best mate: they both suggested Casper. The runners-up(in no particular order)include Cocoanut and Jasper,both suggested by...
Here is a fantastic competion to while away the dead spaces between skirmishes on here.....The prize is yet to be determined:most likely my undying gratitude; there is no gaurantee that I will even...