does anyone know how itv catch up works. I have got the bbc media player which allows you to download previous bbc programmes and watch them, but cannot work out how the itv one works. I have tried to...
Just settled down to watch This Morning with my tea and crumpets and this wretched woman was on. All they did was introduce her and she started doing that awful shrieking warbling. I have had to...
Ok the public voted him to stay in to annoy the Judges but surely now is the time to think sensibly that a lot of hard work and training has been put in by the other contestants who do have Dancing...
What an ugly cow she is. Ruth and Laura are far better singers than her any day. She walks like a robot and can't seem to hug anyone. She seemed more natural before the boobs a few years ago. Who do...
Hi we had semolina and jam for service users and was trying to remember a mixture of custard flavoured semolina, you could cook in on the stove, but it was better baked in the oven, it was custard...
Hi any one know what Simon and Jane do for a living? in the now finished series screened on channel 4 Wednesday 8pm. Such a funny series but what a loving family, briliant.
No quite sure where to put this question as there is not a topic for languages but here goes. Vincent Simone affectionately calls his dance partner Rachel Stevens Picolino or something similar. I have...
Made our wills in the 60's and lodged them with a solicitor who drew them up.Years later we collected them as Solicitor closed the business and passed our wills on to another firm without informing...
10 down.Pulse no longer present when listened to. I am not sure whether to put Been or Bean ? Also 1 across Moons appearance reported to be disconcerting. Is it Wane? Then my puzzle will be complete.
Does anyone else who's watching the current series of Katie & Peter think that Katie's cosmetic surgery seems to be more about the love of going under anasthetic ?!
what was the song played at the very end of the family i think it was episode 3 where Charlot and her mum was dancing to a song, something about somewhere over the rainbow?